ISSN 2330-0086 (Online)
ISSN 2330-0094 (Print)
The Journal of Applied Case Research (JACR) was established by the Southwest Case Research Association (SWCRA) to publish cases and papers dealing with issues in all business-related disciplines that involve case writing, research, and teaching. At the time the Journal originally started, there were few publication outlets for cases. The Vice President of Publications, SWCRA, also holds the position of Editor, JACR, and past editors have been:
- Irfan Ahmed, Sam Houston State University (2015-present)
- Joseph J. Kavanaugh, Sam Houston State University (2010-15)
- Alex Sharland, University of Houston-Downtown (2009-10)
- Steven J. Maranville (2007-09)
- Alex Sharland, Barry University (2002-07)
- Leslie Toombs, Texas A&M University-Commerce (2000-02)
- Daniel Jennings, Texas A&M University (1997-2000)
- Carl Ruthstrom, University of Houston-Downtown
All submissions go through a blind review by at least two qualified reviewers, as well as an editorial review.
JACR has been listed in Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities for several years.
JACR is a fully digital and online only. Gerald Kohers (, SWCRA Vice-President for Technology, oversees the JACR web-presence.
Editor: Irfan Ahmed, Sam Houston State University (